Produse pentru opt fridolfuri chimice (30)

Vânzarea solvenților

Vânzarea solvenților

La venta de disolventes de A. Almasqué es una opción confiable para aquellos que buscan productos de alta calidad para sus necesidades industriales y comerciales. Nuestra gama de disolventes está diseñada para ofrecer un rendimiento superior, asegurando que cada aplicación sea eficiente y efectiva. Con años de experiencia en la industria, hemos perfeccionado nuestras fórmulas para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes, garantizando resultados excepcionales en cada uso. Además, nuestros disolventes están formulados para ser seguros para el medio ambiente, sin comprometer la calidad del producto final. Nos enorgullece ofrecer soluciones que no solo cumplen con los estándares de calidad más altos, sino que también son sostenibles. Confíe en A. Almasqué para obtener disolventes que transformarán sus procesos industriales y comerciales en operaciones más eficientes y efectivas.
Îmbătrânirea Uleiurilor Esențiale

Îmbătrânirea Uleiurilor Esențiale

Peroxydation et réaction intra-moléculaire Les huiles d’olive deviennent rance au cours du temps. Le rancissement est une modification chimique des structures moléculaire des huiles végétales. Les mêmes mécanismes chimiques opèrent aussi sur les huiles essentielles. La présence d’oxygène naturellement dissous dans les huiles, initie ces réactions chimiques. Elles s’accélèrent en présence de lumière, d’air, de sauts de température ou de diverses impuretés. Le mécanisme réactionnel de ce « vieillissement » se divise en deux étapes: la peroxydation et les réactions intramoléculaires (ou phase de propagation). La littérature scientifique décrit plusieurs exemples de peroxydation. Voici celui du linalol abondemment présent dans les huiles essentielles. (Exemple: lavande, lavandin, thym à linalol, bois de rose, sauge sclarée, etc). Dans ce shéma, le linalol subit en premier une peroxydation. Elle produit un nouveau composé: le 7-dydroperoxy-3,7-dimethyl-octa-1,5-diene-3-ol.
Pudră de Diamant - Dimensiuni Standard și Speciale ale Granulelor în Clasificare Fină.

Pudră de Diamant - Dimensiuni Standard și Speciale ale Granulelor în Clasificare Fină.

Diamantpulver für Polituren und Abtrag - hochwertige Klassierungen ausgewählter Kornqualitäten für beste Abtragsleistungen bei kratzerfreien Oberflächen - auf Basis langjähriger Erfahrungen ausgewählter Korntypen für die Bearbeitung weicher, harter, sprödharter und kristalliner Materialien
Suplimente alimentare pulbere

Suplimente alimentare pulbere

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un approccio flessibile e personalizzabile per migliorare l'assunzione nutrizionale. Disponibili in bustine singole, bustine doppie, stick pack e barattoli, queste polveri soddisfano una varietà di esigenze e preferenze di salute. Sono ideali per le persone che amano creare miscele personalizzate o preferiscono mescolare i loro integratori con cibi o bevande. Che tu stia cercando di supportare il recupero muscolare, migliorare la digestione o aumentare la vitalità complessiva, questi integratori in polvere offrono una soluzione versatile. L'adattabilità degli integratori alimentari in polvere li rende un favorito tra gli appassionati di fitness e le persone attente alla salute. Possono essere facilmente integrati in frullati, shake o pasti, permettendoti di personalizzare l'assunzione in base ai tuoi obiettivi specifici. Con un impegno per la qualità e l'efficacia, queste polveri sono formulate per fornire risultati ottimali, assicurandoti di ricevere i nutrienti di cui hai bisogno per prosperare. Incorporando questi integratori nella tua routine, stai facendo un passo proattivo verso il raggiungimento di uno stile di vita equilibrato e sano.
Adhesiv Anaerobic

Adhesiv Anaerobic

Ein anaerober Klebstoff besteht aus einer Mischung verschiedener Acrylate, die über einen peroxidischen Härtemechanismus unter Sauerstoffabschluss und Metallkontakt reagieren. Ein anaerober Klebstoff ist einkomponentig und somit einfach zu verarbeiten. Je nach Zusammensetzung sind Klebstoffe mit einer Temperaturstabilität von bis zu 200°C oder auch schlagzähe Kleber verfügbar. Die Viskositäten reichen von kapillar ab 8mPas bis zu thixotrop 50.000 mPas.


Plant extract
Fungicide Biologice

Fungicide Biologice

La photo ne correspond pas au produit pour l'Espagne. Numéro d'enregistrement : 25761 Composition : Huile d'orange 6%


Erythrit - Ihr Zuckerersatz zum Süßen Ihrer Speisen
Colorant alimentar Violet - Coloranți alimentari Violet (pulbere sau lichid)

Colorant alimentar Violet - Coloranți alimentari Violet (pulbere sau lichid)

Colorant alimentaire violet, permettant une touche originale violette, est conçue pour colorer meringues, gâteaux, glaçages, confiseries, et autres gourmandises.
Etichete de Laborator

Etichete de Laborator

Bei Wilkri erhalten Sie Pharma- und Labor Etiketten für unterschiedliche Anwendungsbereiche. Für alle gilt höchste Präzision und Qualität. In wohl keinem Bereich gelten so strenge Richtlinien für Etiketten wie im Gesundheitswesen oder im Labor. Dank jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung beraten wir Sie fachgerecht und stellen sicher, dass Ihr Etikett in jeder Hinsicht überzeugt. Zum Einsatz kommen ausschließlich Materialien, die den Anforderungen der Pharmaindustrie entsprechen. Prüfzertifikate unterstreichen unseren Qualitätsanspruch und gewährleisten Ihnen maximale Sicherheit. Kontinuierliche Qualitätskontrollen sichern unseren gesamten Produktionsprozess ab – und das lückenlos. Von der Sicht- und kamerabasierten Endkontrolle auf unseren Konfektionsmaschinen bis zur Bereitstellung von Prüfberichten tun wir alles dafür, dass unsere Labor Etiketten für die Pharma-Industrie Ihre Erwartungen nicht nur erfüllen, sondern möglichst übertreffen.
Surfactanți Anionici

Surfactanți Anionici

We offer anionic surfactants In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel is diesel fuel containing a maximum of 15 parts per million (ppm) of sulfur.
Produse chimice

Produse chimice

En Autoparts From Spain, nos especializamos en ofrecer una variedad de productos químicos de alta calidad para el mantenimiento óptimo de vehículos. Desde productos de engrase y lubrificación, diseñados para garantizar un funcionamiento suave y duradero de los componentes mecánicos, hasta una amplia gama de productos químicos específicos para el mantenimiento general del automóvil, nuestra línea está respaldada por la calidad e innovación de nuestros proveedores españoles.
Suplimente Nutriționale

Suplimente Nutriționale

Ofrecemos multitud de opciones en cuanto a formulaciones de productos orientados a la salud, la nutricosmética y los suplementos específicamente dedicados al cuidado de la belleza tanto interior como exterior. Es un mercado en pleno crecimiento que ofrece a nuestros clientes la posibilidad de ampliar sus áreas de negocio y complementar sus líneas de tratamiento cosmético. Contamos con unas instalaciones de dedicación exclusiva a la fabricación y envasado de productos nutricosméticos y complementos nutricionales. Todas las instalaciones han sido diseñadas según la exigencia de la normativa legal europea y siguiendo criterios amparados por las normas ISO e IFS. Nuestro parque de maquinaria permite envasar este tipo de productos en varios formatos: Frascos con cierre roscado, presión Cierre pilfer y grafado Botellas Viales Tarros Tubos de plástico, laminados y de aluminio Envasados especiales al vacío Envasados en atmósfera controlada Sachets monodosis Tapones extemporáneos
Uleiuri Sublinguale

Uleiuri Sublinguale

Les huiles sublinguales vous permettent de relaxer tout en vous donnant du plaisir. Veuillez consulter la liste des prix pour plus d’infos.
Resveratrol 90

Resveratrol 90

Die Alterung der Haut wird zum großen Teil durch die UV-Strahlung des Sonnenlichts ausgelöst. Hierbei bilden sie reaktive Sauerstoff-Radikale, die den Stoffwechsel in der Haut ungünstig beeinflussen. Durch Zusatz der Antioxidantien werden die reaktiven Radikale abgefangen und die Hautzellen geschützt, sowie der Alterungsprozess gemildert. Für kosmetische Zwecke werden oft Reservatrol, Q 10 oder grüner Tee Extrakt eingesetzt. Gerbsäure und Rosmarin Extrakte verbessern die Haltbarkeit von Nahrungsmitteln. Die Vitamine sind enorm wichtig für die Profilierung und Neubildung von Zellen. Sie verbessern das Erscheinungsbild der Haut durch Anregung der Collagenbildung. Pflanzenextrakte Pflanzenextrakte enthalten funktionelle Inhaltsstoffe, die je nach Region und Kultur vielfältige Anwendungen zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit und Schönheit finden. In den Pflanzenextrakten stecken Millionen von Jahren Evolution, ein jahrhunderte altes Wissen um Anwendungen sowie




supplements & nutritions for food industry d3k2, d3, iron, q10, b12, b6, bcomplex, magnesium, vitamin c,
Colorant alimentar Galben lămâie - Coloranți alimentari Galben lămâie (pulbere sau lichid) E102 E104 R100 natural

Colorant alimentar Galben lămâie - Coloranți alimentari Galben lămâie (pulbere sau lichid) E102 E104 R100 natural

Le colorant alimentaire jaune accompagnera vos saveurs citronnées et donnera du tonus à vos préparations.
Acid ascorbic

Acid ascorbic

We offer ascorbic acid In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Vitamine E

Vitamine E

We offer e vitamins In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Esteri ai acizilor grași

Esteri ai acizilor grași

We offer fatty acid esters In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!


We offer antistatics In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!


We offer solvents In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Ceară de erucamidă

Ceară de erucamidă

We offer erucamide wax In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Emulsificatori de Ceară

Emulsificatori de Ceară

We offer wax emulsifiers In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Aditivi pentru cauciuc

Aditivi pentru cauciuc

We offer rubber additives In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Alcool polivinilic

Alcool polivinilic

We offer polyvinyl alcohol In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Rășină fenolică

Rășină fenolică

We offer phenolic resin In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Uleiuri albe tehnice

Uleiuri albe tehnice

We offer technical white oils In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!